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17 Jun 2024
Overseas Trade Mark Protection

International trade has grown substantially in size and importance, not least due to the explosion of e-commerce and budget airline fares. Trade marks have become even more valuable assets for expanding companies seeking recognition and reputation in overseas markets. Consequently, the protection of trade marks overseas through registration is strongly recommended to any United Kingdom individual or company planning to trade in its goods or services abroad.

04 Jun 2024
The first 30 months in the life of a patent – typical pathways and associated costs

Before deciding to patent an invention, it is important to understand the procedures and costs that can be involved. This note sets out the typical process together with estimates of the likely costs. Of course, the most appropriate procedure and actual costs can vary significantly from case to case and we can advise specifically on the best approach for you.

26 Oct 2023
WEBINAR: An Introduction to IP – Trade Marks

In this webinar Alexandra Nott and Adam Kellett discuss the sorts of trade marks that can be protected, the benefits of registering a trade mark, and the process for doing so.

16 Oct 2023
The difference between trade marks, patents, copyright and designs

The term intellectual property (IP) refers to a variety of different types of legal rights. It can be quite confusing for business owners to know what IP rights they have, or what rights they should be seeking.

22 Aug 2023
Picking and Protecting a Trade Mark

How to pick the right trade marks and ensure they are adequately protected.

14 Feb 2022
IP Glossary

This glossary helps explain the most commonly used words and terms in Intellectual Property (IP).

12 Feb 2022
Trade Mark Application Timeline

Download our simplified guide to the trade mark application process, including timescales and costs.

10 Feb 2022
Patent Application Timeline

Watch our short video for a simplified timeline of the patent process, from application to grant.

09 Feb 2022
European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) Applications

Download our simplified guide to the European Union trade mark (EUTM) application process, including timescales and costs.

08 Feb 2022
What is a Patent?

A patent is the grant of a monopoly right for an idea or development which is new and not obvious over anything that was previously known. It provides a right in the country concerned to prevent others from using an invention in return for public disclosure of the invention.