We are thrilled to announce that Dehns recently hosted ten talented students for an exciting two-week Summer Scheme. The students came from a range of universities and pursuing degrees in STEM and law. They were given a unique glimpse into the dynamic world of patent and Trade Marks law.

Throughout the scheme, each student was paired with a dedicated “buddy” and immersed in live projects alongside our Partners and Technical Assistants. They experienced first-hand what it’s like to be a patent or trade mark attorney, culminating in insightful presentations about their journey at Dehns.

‘Being part of the Dehns summer scheme proved to be an enriching experience, allowing me to work on a wide range of real client cases in a relatively short period of time, each case presenting distinct challenges and unique learning opportunities. The insightful mentorship received from partners and associates was invaluable, helping me to develop new skills and deepen my understanding of the field. This internship was an extraordinary opportunity which provided me with a more comprehensive idea about what a career in patent law entails.’

Dorian-Gabriel Muntean, Summer Scheme Student

‘Being involved with such a wide range of current cases gave me a great perspective into many of the different aspects of the job, and shed light on a number of other aspects I hadn’t considered previously. The support at each stage, from trainee associate to partner alike made it all feel very collaborative and approachable, and I felt I was able to make a positive impact even in the short time I was there.’

Henry Coop, Summer Scheme Student

Our scheme took place across three offices: London, Oxford, and Brighton. This rotation allowed students to not only experience the distinct culture of each Dehns office but also to connect with colleagues from various teams. Social events in each city added an extra layer of fun to the experience.

Feedback from our 2024 Summer Scheme cohort was overwhelmingly positive, with many highlighting the invaluable experience and support they received.

The Dehns Summer Placement Scheme has been a great opportunity to get a taste of life as a trainee patent attorney. I have thoroughly enjoyed working on real cases and meeting the partners, trainees and my fellow interns. The experience has solidified my opinion that after my studies, this is the career path I want to take. I look forward to continuing down this career path and I hope that I get to work at Dehns again.

Philip Briginshaw, Summer Scheme Student

‘In a two week timeframe, I worked on multiple real life cases to understand the tasks I  would perform as a trainee. I felt I had support from everyone in both the offices I worked in. This scheme really solidified my aspirations in becoming a patent attorney and was definitely an incredible insight into working in the industry’.

Reshmi Perayeravar, Summer Scheme Student

It was an absolute pleasure having these bright minds at Dehns. We wish them all the best in their future studies and look forward to seeing their continued success.