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17 Aug 2022
Best practice for invention harvesting

Invention harvesting, or invention mining, is an important process for any company looking to build or expand a patent portfolio.

02 Aug 2022
The IP Podcast – Season 2 Ep. 3: The UPC (part 2)

In the second episode of The IP Podcast’s UPC special, Dehns Partner Mark Bell discusses what factors people need to consider when deciding on the best course of action for their patent, patents or patent applications, including:

  • Where does the patent owner or applicant wish to obtain patent protection?
  • The costs of validation and renewal for European patents
  • Will the jurisdiction of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) be a potential problem?
  • Loss of flexibility in managing the patent portfolio over the life of a European patent

All these questions and more, answered in less than 30 minutes!

01 Aug 2022
Protection for Plant Varieties in Europe and the UK Post-Brexit

Plant Variety Rights (PVRs), also known as Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBRs), are an important form of intellectual property for plant breeders seeking protection for their investment in the generation of a new variety of plant. As many patent offices, including the European Patent Office (EPO) and UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), have provisions that exclude individual plant varieties from patent protection, PVRs represent a valuable asset for plant breeders in many countries.

22 Jul 2022
The Silent Treatment: The EPO’s approach to non-therapeutic methods encompassing therapeutic effects

Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by therapy (or surgery) are excluded from patent protection at the EPO under Article 53(c) EPC. The purpose of the exclusion is to avoid restricting the activities of medical and veterinary practitioners. In contrast, purely non-therapeutic methods of treatment, e.g. purely cosmetic methods, are permitted.

On face value, the EPO’s approach seems clear and navigable. However, in practice the waters are murkier.

18 Jul 2022
The IP Podcast – Season 2 Ep. 2: The UPC (part 1)

In this episode of The IP Podcast, Dehns Partner Mark Bell looks at a major topic in the IP world, and certainly the biggest and most significant change to the European Patent system for nearly 50 years – the introduction of the Unified Patent Court and the Unitary Patent.

11 Jul 2022
Case analysis: Nestlé v Cadbury

Cadbury finally hits a purple patch: Paul Harris, Head of Litigation at Dehns, provides a case analysis of Nestlé v Cadbury.

30 Jun 2022
Something to wine about

In this article, Joseph Letang, Partner in the Dehns Trade Marks Group, warns against claiming rights in descriptive terms.

18 Jun 2022
WEBINAR: An introduction to IP – Getting patents granted around the world

This webinar covers filing priority applications, inventors and owners, the international (PCT) patent application process and filing foreign patent applications.

15 Jun 2022
The IP Podcast (Season 2 Ep. 1) – NFTs

In the first episode of Season 2 of The IP Podcast, Dehns Partner Tim Wilson takes a look at NFTs and the main IP issues surrounding them.

07 Jun 2022
Implications of The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill on the Life Science IP Sector

The Genetic Technology Bill – announced on the 25 May 2022 by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) – aims to take advantage of the UK’s post-Brexit position and relax the regulation around precision breeding.

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