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20 Aug 2020
WEBINAR: An introduction to IP – Freedom to Operate (FTO)

Are you ready to commercialise your invention? What do you know about other people’s patents? Do you have Freedom to Operate?

Having your own patent does not mean that you can ignore other people’s patents. Before you start commercialising your invention, it is prudent to do a Freedom to Operate (FTO) search to try to find any patents that are relevant to your product or process.

This webinar outlines the reasons for undertaking an FTO search and the 3 stages of the FTO search and analysis.

14 Aug 2020
The IP Podcast (Ep:11) – Patent Infringement (Part 1)

In this episode we look at what happens if someone accuses you of infringing their patent:

  • What does this mean?
  • What should you do first?
  • What are your options?
  • How can you resolve the matter?
  • What could you have done to avoid this in the first place?
  • And how could you potentially turn this situation to your advantage?

All these questions, and more, answered by Dehns Patent Attorney, Dr Mark Bell.

13 Aug 2020
WEBINAR: Supplementary Protection Certificates – part two

Hosted on 13 August 2020 by Chris Goddard, qualified European and UK patent attorney and a Partner at Dehns, this webinar is the second in a two part series on Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs).

SPCs provide a valuable extension to patent protection in Europe for pharmaceutical, veterinary and plant protection products.

12 Aug 2020
The importance of trade marks in the Food and Drink industry…from 1875 to present day.

Perhaps not the ideal way to see in the new year, but rumour has it that one employee of Bass Brewery spent the cold New Year’s Eve of 1875 queuing outside the then Patent Office.

30 Jul 2020
The IP Podcast (Ep. 10) – Freedom to Operate (FTO)

If you don’t have Freedom to Operate, the consequences for your business could be significant. This podcast looks at: what freedom to operate is; when you should think about it; how to check whether you have freedom to operate and what could happen if you don’t have freedom to operate; how a patent attorney can help.

23 Jul 2020
The IP Podcast (Ep: 9) – An Introduction to Trade Marks

This episode of The IP Podcast provides a quick introduction to the world of trade marks:

  • What is a trade mark?
  • Why do I need one?
  • How do I get one?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Who can help me?
23 Jul 2020
WEBINAR: The Patentability of Diagnostic Inventions in Europe, Canada and the US

This webinar, jointly hosted on 23 July 2020, covers the patentability of diagnostic inventions in Europe, Canada and the US.

20 Jul 2020
UK formally withdraws from Unified Patent Court

Today, the United Kingdom has formally withdrawn from the Unified Patent Court (UPC) system. Owing to the UK’s withdrawal from the system (as a consequence of Brexit) and a successful constitutional challenge in Germany to Germany’s proposed ratification of the UPC agreement, the UPC has yet to come into being

17 Jul 2020
The IP Podcast (Ep.8): The Patent Box

In this podcast we discuss how the Patent Box works, who is eligible to join the scheme, how to become eligible, how and when to join, and how to claim the reduced rate of tax.

10 Jul 2020
The IP Podcast (Ep. 7): Getting your patents granted overseas

In this episode, we look at the various ways in which you can get your patent granted overseas in the most cost effective way, including where, when and how you should make your patent applications.

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