Martha Stevens

Trainee Patent Attorney


Martha joined Dehns in 2021 as a Trainee Patent Attorney in the Engineering group following the completion of a four year integrated Master’s degree in Engineering at the University of Cambridge.


Types of client and client work

Martha works with a variety of clients, including small/medium sized enterprises, universities and multinational companies. Martha has experience handling prosecution of patent applications in the UK and Europe, as well as a number of other jurisdictions around the world. Martha also assists with client work outside of prosecution, including patent application drafting, freedom to operate analysis, and IP Audits.



Martha has experience of a variety of engineering-related technologies, but she specialises in the fields of software and electronics.


Qualifications and Memberships

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Bournemouth University
  • Student Member of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)


Higher Education

MEng, Engineering, University of Cambridge, 2021

Within this general degree Martha studied a broad range of subject areas from electronics to civil structures, and eventually specialised in modules related to aerospace, energy and sustainability. For her final year project, Martha worked on designing a de-icing system for a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle in collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey.

Contact details

Willow Court
West Way
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1865 305 100


software, electronics