Matthew Cummins

Trainee Patent Attorney


Matthew joined Dehns in September 2022 following his graduation from the University of Cambridge with an MSci in Natural Sciences, specialising in Materials Science, where he was awarded the Armourers and Brasiers’ prize for the second highest mark in final year examinations. During his degree, Matthew conducted research utilising scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyse the microstructure and characterise the properties of a novel turbine disc superalloy throughout various stages of processing.


Types of client and client work

Matthew works with a variety of engineering clients including large multinational companies. His work includes prosecution of patent applications in the UK and Europe, and assisting with opposition proceedings before the EPO.



Matthew works across a variety of areas throughout Materials Science and Engineering, with a particular focus on aerospace-related subject matter.


Qualifications and Memberships

  • Postgraduate Certificate (Intellectual Property Law), Bournemouth University (2023)
  • Student Member of CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys)


Higher Education

MSci in Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, 2022

Contact details

The Brinell Building
30 Station Street
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1273 244 200


mechanical engineering, physics, software