Simon Rumswinkel

Technical Assistant


Simon studied Chemistry, Mineralogy and Material Sciences in Bayreuth and Leipzig, Germany. After several years of post-graduate work in materials chemistry in Salzburg, Austria, Simon began his training as a Patent Attorney at Kudlek, Grunert & Partner (KGP), Munich, in 2019. He joined Dehns at the time of the merger with KGP in 2021.


Type of clients and client work

The majority of Simon’s clients are multinational corporations and small/medium sized companies. He advises on all aspects of the patent process, including drafting applications, prosecution in multiple jurisdictions, post-grant proceedings and patent infringement and enforcement matters. An important part of his work includes performing and evaluating patent searches and providing opinions on patentability and freedom to operate.



Simon works in a broad range of technical fields with a focus on automotive technology, chemical engineering and analytic devices. His expertise includes thermal management systems, automotive exhaust systems, oil and gas processing such as thermal and catalytic cracking, new synthesis pathways based on oxidative catalytic processes, air separation technology, mass spectrometry and microscopy.


Qualifications and Memberships

Simon has passed his qualification exams for becoming a Patent Attorney.


Higher Education

MSc in mineralogy and material sciences, Universität Leipzig, 2015, with a thesis on clay derivatives as additives in concrete.

BSc in chemistry, Universität Bayreuth, 2012, with a thesis on ultrasound induced porosity in aluminium iron alloys.



Simon is fluent in German, English and Polish

Contact details

Theresienstr. 6-8
80333 Munich

+49 (0)89 2388 68 60


mechanical engineering, physics